- Maybe you can’t improve your execution from 45 to 85 percent in one week, but you can move from 45 to 55 or 60 percent – The 12 Week Year
- You’ll only find your true limit when you go to fallure, not failure. Commitments by definition demand you “go to fallure, not failure – The 12 Week Year
- Once you start your most important task, discipline yourself to persevere without diversion or distraction until it is 100 percent complete. See it as a test to determine whether you are the kind of person who can make a decision to complete something and then carry it out. Once you begin, refuse to stop until the job is finished – Eat That Frog
- Only the weak rest on their laurels and dote on past triumphs; in the game of power there is never time to rest – The 48 Laws of Power
- Going to bed and waking up at the same time of day no matter what is perhaps the single most effective way of helping improve your sleep, even though it involves the use of an alarm clock – Why We Sleep
- If you live with the intentionality of effective time use, you will become a more effective leader of those around you, and you will build your business and personal success at a faster rate – The 12 Week Year
- It’s likely that, if you wore such a device, you would find out that on the nights you slept more you ate less food the next day, and of a healthy kind; felt brighter, happier, and more positive; had better relationship interactions; and accomplished more in less time at work. Moreover, you would discover that during months of the year when you were averaging more sleep, you were sick less; your weight, blood pressure, and medication use were all lower; and your relationship or marriage satisfaction were better- Why We Sleep
- Create and maintain a compelling vision of the future that you want even more than you desire your own short- term comfort, and then aligning your shorter term goals and plans, with that long- term vision – The 12 Week Year
Day 2: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes