Skip to the content- Success in any area requires tons of discipline. Self discipline, self-mastery, and self-control are the basic building blocks of both character and high performance – Eat that Frog
- Take every course and seminar available on the key skills that can help you. Attend the conventions and business meetings of your profession or occupation. Go to the sessions and workshops. Sit up front and take notes – Eat that Frog
- If these tactics get done, you’ve had a great week; if not, you’ve lost a week. Having this level of clarity each week is not only powerful, it’s life changing – The 12 Week Year
- The odds increase, the more you try
- If you don’t sleep the very first night after learning, you lose the chance to consolidate those memories, even if you get lots of “catch-up” sleep thereafter – Why we sleep
- I would venture to say that personal self-discipline is the number-one delineating factor between the rich, the poor, and the middle class – Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Sometimes you have to make a list of every step in a process and examine every activity to determine exactly what is holding you back – Eat that Frog
- People rarely act unless compelled to. If you create no need for yourself, then you will be done away with at first opportunity – The 48 Laws of Power
- Your current actions are creating your current results – The 12 Week Year