- Decide beforehand that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal, and the more accountable you are, the more likely you will meet your commitments – The 12 Week Year
- There is an adaptive balance to be struck between wakefulness and sleep. In humans, that appears to be around sixteen hours of total wakefulness, and around eight hours of total sleep, for an average adult – Why We Sleep
- When it comes down to it, your new attitudes and behaviors must be incorporated into your monthly, weekly, and daily routines to effect any real, positive change. A routine is something you do every day without fail – The Compound Effect
- Sometimes not acting in the face of danger is your best move— you wait, you deliberately slow down. As time passes it will eventually present opportunities you had not imagined – The 48 Laws of Power
- Maintaining complete darkness throughout the night is equally critical for a good night sleep, the easiest fix for which comes from blackout curtains – Why We Sleep
Day 28: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes