- Begin by clearing off your desk or workspace so that you have only one task in front of you. If necessary, put everything else on the floor or on a table behind you – Eat That Frog
- The world is full of people who are grabbing and self-seeking, so the rare individual who unselfishly tries to serve others has an enormous advantage – How to Win Friends and Influence People
- The powerful responses to niggling, petty annoyances and irritations are contempt and disdain. Never show that something has affected you, or that you are offended— that only shows you have acknowledged a problem. Contempt is a dish that is best served cold and without affectation – The 48 Laws of Power
- Relax before bed. Don’t overschedule your day so that no time is left for unwinding. A relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, should be part of your bedtime ritual – Why We Sleep
Day 8: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes