Daily Quotes

Day 31: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • By focusing clearly on your most valuable task and concentrating single-mindedly until it is 100 percent complete, you actually shape and mold your own character. You become a superior person. You feel stronger, more competent, more confident, and happier. You feel more powerful and productive. You eventually feel capable of setting and achieving any goal. You become the master of your own destiny. You place yourself on an ascending spiral of personal effectiveness on which your future is absolutely guaranteed – Eat That Frog
  • If you give in to “just this once,” based on a marginal-cost analysis, you’ll regret where you end up. That’s the lesson to learn: it’s easier to hold to your principles 100 percent of the time than it is to hold to them 98 percent of the time – How Will You Measure Your Life
  • Creating a positive environment to support your success means clearing out all the clutter in your life. Not only the physical clutter that makes it hard for you to work productively and efficiently (although that’s important too!), but also the psychic clutter of whatever around you isn’t working, whatever’s broken, whatever makes you cringe – The Compound Effect
  • Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. As creatures of habit, people have a hard time adjusting to changes in sleep patterns. Sleeping later on weekends won’t fully make up for a lack of sleep during the week and will make it harder to wake up early on Monday morning. Set an alarm for bedtime. Often we set an alarm for when it’s time to wake up but fail to do so for when it’s time to go to sleep – Why We Sleep
  • What is offered for free is dangerous— it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for – The 48 Laws of Power
  • People will say “don’t you have to stay plugged into technology to keep current with the news?” Tell them, “If it is really important, someone will tell you.” Many people unplug from the news, and surprisingly enough, they remain well informed on most important subjects. You should do the same – Eat That Frog
  • You will be amazed at how much work you can go through when you work steadily in an airplane, without interruptions – Eat That Frog
Daily Quotes

Day 30: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • Never imagine that skill and talent are all that matter. In court the courtier’s art is more important than his talent; never spend so much time on your studies that you neglect your social skills – The 48 Laws of Power
  • With this ingrained sense of urgency, you develop a “bias for action.” You take action rather than talking continually about what you are going to do. You focus on specific steps you can take immediately. You concentrate on the things you can do right now to get the results you want and achieve the goals you desire – Eat That Frog
  • And in careers, where reputations take a lifetime to build and a single email to destroy – The Psychology of Money
  • Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power – The 48 Laws of Power
  • Of broader societal relevance, the concentration of NREM-sleep spindles is especially rich in the late-morning hours, sandwiched between long periods of REM sleep. Sleep six hours or less and you are shortchanging the brain of a learning restoration benefit that is normally performed by sleep spindles – Why We Sleep
Daily Quotes

Day 29: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • The ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop – The 48 Laws of Power
  • Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success – Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • Boldness destroys such gaps. The swiftness of the move and the energy of the action leave others no space to doubt and worry – The 48 Laws of Power
  • The relationships you have with family and close friends are going to be the most important sources of happiness in your life. But you have to be careful. When it seems like everything at home is going well, you will be lulled into believing that you can put your investments in these relationships onto the back burner. That would be an enormous mistake. By the time serious problems arise in those relationships, it often is too late to repair them. This means, almost paradoxically, that the time when it is most important to invest in building strong families and close friendships is when it appears, at the surface, as if it’s not necessary – How Will You Measure Your Life
  • A solid reputation increases your presence and exaggerates your strengths without your having to spend much energy. It can also create an aura around you that will instill respect – The 48 Laws of Power
  • The great man who is a miser is a great fool, and a man in high places can have no vice so harmful as avarice – The 48 Laws of Power
Daily Quotes

Day 28: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • Decide beforehand that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal, and the more accountable you are, the more likely you will meet your commitments – The 12 Week Year
  • There is an adaptive balance to be struck between wakefulness and sleep. In humans, that appears to be around sixteen hours of total wakefulness, and around eight hours of total sleep, for an average adult – Why We Sleep
  • When it comes down to it, your new attitudes and behaviors must be incorporated into your monthly, weekly, and daily routines to effect any real, positive change. A routine is something you do every day without fail – The Compound Effect
  • Sometimes not acting in the face of danger is your best move— you wait, you deliberately slow down. As time passes it will eventually present opportunities you had not imagined – The 48 Laws of Power
  • Maintaining complete darkness throughout the night is equally critical for a good night sleep, the easiest fix for which comes from blackout curtains – Why We Sleep
Daily Quotes

Day 27: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • One of the most helpful of all time management techniques is for you to get better at your key tasks – Eat That Frog
  • Profit by others’ experience – The 48 Laws of Power
  • One of the best ways to overcome procrastination is for you to get your mind off the huge task in front of you and focus on a single action that you can take – Eat That Frog
  • Don’t do a mistake that will cost you a lot more than any temporary satisfaction you might gain – The 48 Laws of Power
  • If you have a list of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth much more than the other eight items put together – Eat That Frog
  • Waking up at the same time of day, every day, no matter if it is the week or weekend is a good recommendation for maintaining a stable sleep schedule if you are having difficulty with sleep – Why We Sleep
Daily Quotes

Day 26: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • Allow too much distraction by technology and you will end up with diabetes of the mind – The Compound Effect
  • Wealth is created by suppressing what you could buy today in order to have more stuff or more options in the future. No matter how much you earn, you will never build wealth unless you can put a lid on how much fun you can have with your money right now, today – The Psychology of Money
  • The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it – How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • You should transfer items from your monthly and weekly lists onto your daily list – Eat That Frog
  • An important distinction is that rich people buy luxuries last, while the poor and middle class tend to buy luxuries first. The poor and the middle class often buy luxury items like big houses, diamonds, furs, jewelry, or boats because they want to look rich. They look rich, but in reality they just get deeper in debt on credit. The old-money people, the long-term rich, build their asset column first – Rich Dad Poor Dad
Daily Quotes

Day 25: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is
  • When you start thinking about slacking off on your routines and rhythms, consider the massive cost of inconsistency. It is not the loss of the single action and tiny results it creates. It is the utter collapse and loss of momentum your entire progress will suffer – The Compound Effect
  • Happiness, as it’s said, is just results minus expectations – The Psychology of Money
  • Make a game of getting the job done well in advance of the deadline. You will be amazed at how much more relaxed you are and how much better a job you do when you are on top of your most important tasks – Eat That Frog
  • Say no to anything that is not a high-value use of your time and your life. Say no graciously but firmly to avoid agreeing to something against your will. Say it early and say it often – Eat That Frog
  • Single poor habit, which doesn’t look like much in the moment, can ultimately lead you miles off course from the direction of your goals and the life you desire – The Compound Effect
Daily Quotes

Day 24: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • Realize early on that the less you say about your work, the more people will talk about it. And the more they talk, the more valuable your work become – The 48 Laws of Power
  • The way to develop self-confidence, he said, is to do the thing you fear to do and get a record of successful experiences behind you – How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • This is why you must guard against entering an open system— and understand the risk you take if you do so. With open systems, there is no end to reach, no point at which you can ever be finished, and an almost infinite number of ways to become distracted. As a result, you can end up wasting hours of your time each day. In short, open systems create distractions. Instead, you should strive to design closed systems – Dopamine Detox
  • You have to take immediate action on your new insights and knowledge. Ideas uninvested are wasted. You don’t want that to happen. It’s now time to act on your new convictions. You now have the power, and I expect you to seize it! – The Compound Effect
  • To show your frustration is to show that you have lost your power to shape events; it is the helpless action of the child who resorts to a hysterical fit to get his way. The powerful never reveal this kind of weakness – The 48 Laws of Power
Daily Quotes

Day 23: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • Unwritten goals lead to confusion, vagueness, misdirection, and numerous mistakes – Eat That Frog
  • We need an extra layer of vigilance to prevent our brains from absorbing irrelevant, counterproductive or downright destructive input. It’s a never-ending battle to be selective and to stand guard against any information that can derail your creative potential – The Compound Effect
  • Learn to prioritize your most important activities and do those things before you work on anything else – The 12 Week Year
  • Also, the less you say, the less risk you run of saying something foolish, even dangerous – The 48 Laws of Power-Profile Books
  • First, optimists look for the good in every situation. No matter what goes wrong, they always look for something good or beneficial. And not surprisingly, they always seem to find it – Eat That Frog
Daily Quotes

Day 22: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes

  • It is within your power to set your own price. How you carry yourself reflects what you think of yourself. If you ask for little, shuffle your feet and lower your head, people will assume this reflects your character – The 48 Laws of Power
  • Set it in your mind right now that the process is more important than the result. You don’t control the result; what you control are your actions. Don’t worry that your goal might be too big or that you might fall short— so what? When you make a commitment, don’t give yourself an out – The 12 Week Year
  • Listen first. Give your opponents a chance to talk. Let them finish. Do not resist, defend, or debate. This only raises barriers. Try to build bridges of understanding. Don’t build higher barriers of misunderstanding – How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • When you reclaim your focus and use it to achieve your biggest goals, you can transform your life radically. You can make more money by channeling your focus into great work, and you can increase your well-being by redirecting it toward more meaningful activities (i.e., spending time with your family and friends or engaging in your favorite hobbies) – Dopamine Detox