- The unvarnished truth is that almost all the people you meet feel themselves superior to you in some way, and a sure path to their hearts is to let them realize in some subtle way that you recognize their importance, and recognize it sincerely – How to Win Friends and Influence People
- The Question you should ask is, “What is the most valuable use of my time right now?” – Eat That Frog
- When you see several steps ahead, and plan your moves all the way to the end, you will no longer be tempted by emotion or by the desire to improvise. Your clarity will rid you of the anxiety and vagueness that are the primary reasons why so many fail to conclude their actions successfully. You see the ending and you tolerate no deviation – The 48 Laws of Power
- Perhaps the reason people still have so much to do at the end of the day is precisely because they do not get enough sleep at night – Why We Sleep
- To create new results you will have to be willing to pass through fear, uncertainty, and discomfort, and ultimately create new and more productive habits – The 12 Week Year
- Learn to control this propensity to blab, for its effect is often the opposite of what you expected – The 48 Laws of Power
- Real and lasting success requires work— and lots of it! – The Compound Effect
- It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate – The 48 Laws of Power
- Remember, what you do first thing in the morning matters far more than you think. Just one tiny decision can have a dramatic effect on your day’s productivity – Dopamine Detox
Day 15: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes