- I’ve met and worked with many great achievers, CEOs, and “superstars,” and I can tell you they all share one common trait— they all have good habits – The Compound Effect
- While you are still figuring out your career, you should keep the aperture of your life wide open – How Will You Measure Your Life
- The good news is that the faster you move, the more energy you have. The faster you move, the more you get done and the more effective you feel. The faster you move, the more experience you get and the more you learn. The faster you move, the more competent and capable you become at your work – Eat That Frog
- Never be so self-absorbed as to believe that the master is interested in your criticisms of him, no matter how accurate they are – The 48 Laws of Power
- You must be careful, then: Learn to demonstrate the correctness of your ideas indirectly- The 48 Laws of Power
- No matter what you may have heard or read in the popular media, there is no scientific evidence we have suggesting that a drug, a device, or any amount of psychological willpower can replace sleep – Why We Sleep
Day 5: Maximise Your Potential with These Power-Packed Quotes